Welcome to Lover’s Walk
What is Lover’s Walk?
Lover’s Walk is a site designed for fans of some popular fictions from movies, television, and books. We are fans as well and along with anticipating the newest release from the official sources, we relish any fan based information and imagination as well.
The bottom line…
We love to read. And we love our favorite stories. But sometimes, the official authors, creators, or producers of one of our favorite series gives up on the project before we are ready to. So we seek out other tales found online and elsewhere by fans like us who aren’t ready to give up either.
So we decided to compile and organize our favorite fan works and collections by our favorite fan authors into the site you see before you… LoversWalk.com
Please enjoy the stories you find on our site and please feel free to register and log in to post your own works. We do however have some guidelines to stories that we display on our fan fiction site.
Fan Fic Posting Guidelines
All works must be original to the fan author. We do not claim the rights of any of the characters or stories listed on our sites, but enjoy the chance to read them… However, don’t steal anyone else’s stories!
There is no maximum length to any story, but please break up large stories into chapters and into several posts.
We do NOT accept any explicitly adult material on Lover’s walk. Romance is romance, but please don’t get too descriptive. PG-13 level at maximum.
New guidelines may be posted in the future, so check back from time to time.
Start Writing Your Fanfictions
Register and post your stories whenever you wish. We would love to have you as a featured author on our site, so sign up today and start submitting.
We look forward to reading plenty of great fan fictions!
The whole Team here at
Lover’s Walk Inspired Fan Fictions